Location Parking Paris 19
Our address : 234 rue de Crimée - 75019 PARIS - France
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Our permanent entrance is located 234 rue de Crimée (left photo).
another entrance is available rue Gaston Tessier when you come from boulevard périphérique.
When facing the barrier call the watchman on duty by pressing the "gardien" knob
accès Crimée
accès Tessier
Parking2000 : 2000 places in Paris
Parking Paris 13
25 rue du Banquier - 75013 PARIS
Tél : (00 33) 1 43 36 38 82
Daily & Monthly |
Parking Paris 19
234 rue de Crimée - 75019 PARIS
Tél : (0 33) 1 40 11 40
Daily & Monthly |